Monday, 16 May 2016

Bean plants

In March we decided to do an experiment which involved planting broad bean seeds. We know that plants need water, light and soil to live and we wanted to see how important each of these things was for the plant's growth.

Our first seed was planted in sand instead of soil. It was given water and light.

The next seed was planted in soil and given plenty of light but we did not water this seed.

We planted another seed in soil. This time we watered it but we put it in a box so that it would not get any light.

Finally we planted a seed in soil and decided to give this seed water and light. Most people predicted that this seed would grow best.
We have been checking on our plants every morning since and these are the results of our experiment:
 The seed planted in sand has not grown. This is because seeds need nutrients from soil to grow.
The seed which was not watered did not grow. Seeds need the right amount of water to grow.
The seed which did not get any light grew for a few days but soon the shoot turned white and died.This is because plants need light to make food. When light from the sun helps plants to make their own food it is called photosynthesis.
The seed which was given soil, light and water has been growing and growing everyday. We are taking very good care of it and hopefully we will have some beans soon,

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